Earthing Matt Systems
VES surveys are often undertaken to aid the design of Earthing Matt Systems by providing an estimate of the volume resistivity of the soils through which the current will flow.
This is achieved by deploying an array of electrodes over the proposed earthing system and measuring the resulting resistivity distribution profile.
Pipeline Routes
VES is used in the planning stages of pipeline routes to aid the design and installation of buried pipelines.
The results can be extremely important for the design of pipelines as the depth of burial will have a direct impact on the external corrosion protection requirements.
Landfill Mapping
The electrical conductivity of soils can be used as an indication of their waste content and VES data are therefore often used in the mapping of landfill sites.
This is achieved by deploying electrodes at fixed probe spacings and measuring the apparent resistivity values down through the waste horizons.
Groundwater Exploration
The measurement of the electrical resistivity of soils can be used as an indication of the presence of groundwater and VES measurements are often used to aid groundwater investigation.
Soil lithology
VES is a geophysical method that can also be used to aid the identification of soil lithology as changes in the electrical properties (resistivity contrast) of the geological medium often relate to changes in their physical properties.